How You Can Help

Join us in providing a precious lifeline for those living with mental illness – with a hot meal, advocacy, housing, a new start in life through job training or simply, friendship. Together we can support those that have fallen between the cracks of mental health services. Together we can fight the stigma of mental health illness and provide hope to mental health consumers in their struggle to recovery.

Volunteer Programs
The Kettle Friendship Society welcomes volunteer involvement. We are committed to respecting the contribution volunteers make in allowing us to enhance our services. Office hours are Tuesday to Friday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (closed from noon – 1:00 pm).

We need Volunteers to:
Facilitate activity groups (crafts, music, etc.)
Co-facilitate existing groups with staff (swimming, bowling, etc.)
Assist with meal preparation in our kitchen
Come to the drop-in centre and visit with our members

So, what’s in it for you? You will:
Increase your understanding of mental health issues
Have an opportunity to share your skills and talents
Be part of positive change in your community
Participate in fun and engaging activities

We appreciate the participation of community members whether the motivation is community involvement, personal growth, work experience, practicum placement or the completion of community hours. If you’re interested, please call or stop by the centre to pick up an application form.

Office hours are Tuesday to Friday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (closed from noon – 1:00 pm)


Here are some ways you can make a difference!
  • Donate online through our secure website,
  • Download our Donation Form
  • By Cheque – mail to: The Kettle, 1725 Venables St., Van. B.C. V5L 2H3.
  • Designate your United Way donation to The Kettle.
  • Leave a Gift in your Will or donate an insurance policy or securities.
  • In Kind – Please see our wish List to find out what is needed the most.
For more information please contact Nancy Keough, Executive Director at 604-251-9828.